
Behaviour Driven Development At Planetary Scale.

Damagebdd - Examples

DamageBDD Live Example

Feature: Http test feature Scenario: Test post json Given I am using server "http://localhost:8080" And I set "Content-Type" header to "application/json" When I make a POST request to "/tests/" """ { "refund_address": "mohjSavDdQYHRYXcS3uS6ttaHP8amyvX78", "customer_type": "Individual", "full_name": "John Doe", "date_of_birth": "1980-01-01", "address": "123 Main Street, Sydney, NSW", "identification_verification": { "document_type": "Passport", "document_number": "A1234567" }, "email": "john.doe@damagebdd.com", "phone": "0412345678" } """ Then the response status must be "201" Then the json at path "$.email" must be "john.doe@damagebdd.com"