
Behaviour Driven Development At Planetary Scale.

About - DamageBDD

About DamageBDD

Welcome to DamageBDD! We are a cutting-edge technology company founded by Steven, an experienced developer and a passionate solopreneur. Steven's expertise lies in using Behavior-Driven Development (BDD) to ensure the performance and quality of server-side applications.

At the beginning of his journey, Steven started using Behave BDD to verify the behavior of his applications. However, he soon encountered limitations and complexities in managing the entire infrastructure required to support a BDD workflow. This led him on a quest to find a better solution in the market. However, most available options were subscription-based or required additional software installations to manage tests or was just clunky.

Steven envisioned a tool that would integrate seamlessly with CI/CD workflow, making it exceptionally user-friendly for him and his team. This is when DamageBDD was born. With DamageBDD, managing your tests is as simple as running a curl command. No special software installations required.

After successfully completing his own startup journey, Steven was determined to productize DamageBDD and share the efficiency gains he experienced with the wider industry. He firmly believes that DamageBDD can effectively maintain high-quality, highly available software. Its simplicity and versatility make it applicable to a wide range of use cases.

Join us on this exciting journey as we revolutionize the way software is developed and maintained. With DamageBDD, you can ensure the highest standards of performance, quality, and availability for your applications. Experience the power of BDD without the complexity it's just a command away!

Welcome to DamageBDD - where simplicity meets power!

DamageBDD is a legally registered business entity in Australia.

ABN: 39865763306.