
Behaviour Driven Development At Planetary Scale.

Simplifying Insurance Contract Testing with DamageBDD: A Comprehensive Approach

In the ever-evolving world of insurance technology, testing plays a crucial role in ensuring that systems function correctly and efficiently. One such tool that has gained significant attention is DamageBDD, an open-source Behavior Driven Development (BDD) framework designed to simplify the process of testing web applications and REST APIs. In this article, we will explore how DamageBDD can be employed for testing a simple insurance contract use case.

Before diving into the specifics, let's first familiarize ourselves with the supported steps in DamageBDD:

  1. Http Steps: These steps include various HTTP request methods like GET, POST, PUT, DELETE, and OPTIONS. They also allow setting headers, cookies, and base URL.
  2. Utility Steps: These steps cover general functionality such as waiting for a specific period, generating UUIDs, and setting variables.
  3. Selenium Webdriver Steps: These steps enable testing web applications using Selenium Webdriver.

Now, let's assume we are developing an insurance contract system that offers users to create, modify, and delete contracts through a REST API. Here's how DamageBDD can be used for testing this use case:

Scenario 1: Creating a new insurance contract

Feature: Insurance Contract Creation

Scenario: Create a new insurance contract
  Given I am using server "https://insurance-api.com"
  Given I set "Authorization" header to "Bearer {{token}}"
  When I make a POST request to "/contracts" with the following JSON body:
        "customer_id": "1234567890",
        "policy_type": "life",
        "sum_insured": 50000,
        "premium": 1200,
        "start_date": "2022-08-15"
  Then the response must contain text "Contract created successfully."
  And I store the JSON at path "/contracts/{{customer_id}}" in "contract_details"

In this scenario, we use DamageBDD's HTTP steps to make a POST request to create a new insurance contract. We also set an Authorization header and provide a valid JSON body with necessary details. The response from the server is expected to contain the text "Contract created successfully." We store the response (i.e., the contract details) in a variable for further use.

Scenario 2: Retrieving an existing insurance contract

Feature: Insurance Contract Retrieval

Scenario: Retrieve an existing insurance contract
  Given I am using server "https://insurance-api.com"
  Given I set "Authorization" header to "Bearer {{token}}"
  And I have a valid customer ID
  When I make a GET request to "/contracts/{{customer_id}}"
  Then the response status must be one of ["200", "404"]
  And if status is "200" then:
      Then the JSON at path "/contracts/{{customer_id}}" must be:
            "customer_id": "1234567890",
            "policy_type": "life",
            "sum_insured": 50000,
            "premium": 1200,
            "start_date": "2022-08-15"

In this scenario, we test retrieving an existing insurance contract using the given customer ID. We make a GET request to the server and check for valid statuses. If the contract is found (status code 200), we expect the JSON response to match the provided contract details.

By leveraging DamageBDD's easy-to-understand Gherkin syntax, we can write comprehensive tests for our insurance system without needing extensive technical knowledge. Additionally, DamageBDD's support for various testing frameworks like Selenium Webdriver and its ability to integrate with popular continuous integration (CI) tools makes it a powerful choice for testing at scale.

In conclusion, DamageBDD is an essential tool for simplifying the insurance contract testing process by offering a user-friendly approach to test REST APIs using BDD principles. Its comprehensive support for various testing frameworks and its ability to integrate with popular CI tools make it a valuable asset in any insurance technology organization's toolkit.

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