
Behaviour Driven Development At Planetary Scale.

The Unfortunate Fate of Good Ideas: Ticket Tracking and Document Management Systems

The Unfortunate Fate of Good Ideas: Ticket Tracking and Document Management Systems


In today's fast-paced business world, great ideas are the lifeblood of growth and innovation. However, despite their potential, many good ideas never see the light of day. Instead, they often get trapped within ticket tracking systems and document management systems, ultimately leading to their demise. This article will shed light on the reasons behind this unfortunate reality and explore how reticent managers unintentionally contribute to the stagnation of these systems.

  1. The Inherent Limitations of Ticket Tracking Systems: Ticket tracking systems are designed to efficiently manage tasks and issues, but they may fall short when it comes to nurturing creative ideas. These systems primarily focus on prioritizing and resolving problems rather than fostering a proactive and innovative culture. Ideas submitted as tickets may be treated as mere tasks, causing them to lose their essence and creative potential along the way.
  2. Document Management Systems: Storage over Substance: Document management systems are primarily used for organizing and storing files efficiently. While they are essential for maintaining a well-structured repository, they often lack the necessary tools and features to effectively nurture innovative ideas. Without a collaborative environment or the ability to easily access and share these ideas, they become lost in the vast digital archives.
  3. Failure to Recognize Value: Reticent managers, who are hesitant to champion new ideas, inadvertently contribute to the demise of these systems. Their reluctance to invest time and resources in exploring and implementing innovative concepts hampers the potential of using ticket tracking and document management systems as catalysts for change. Instead, they may prioritize immediate problem-solving and overlook long-term benefits.
  4. Absence of Cross-Functional Collaboration: Ticket tracking and document management systems often segregate information into silos, making cross-functional collaboration difficult. Great ideas thrive when they are allowed to be refined through the diverse perspectives and expertise of various teams. The lack of an inclusive platform hinders the interdisciplinary collaboration necessary to shape ideas into actionable projects.
  5. Overdependence on Automation: While automation streamlines processes, it can stifle creativity and the human touch required to nurture ideas. Relying solely on automated systems may overlook the nuances and potential of new concepts, leading to missed opportunities and a lack of innovation. Balancing automation with human intervention is crucial for harnessing the creativity within ticket tracking and document management systems.

A Better Path: Behavior-Driven Development (BDD):

Behavior-Driven Development (BDD) offers a refreshing alternative to the traditional ticket tracking and document management systems. BDD is a collaborative approach centered around capturing expected behavior in granular scenarios, thereby enabling better communication and understanding among team members. This methodology promotes collaboration, creativity, and a solution-oriented mindset.

Advantages of BDD:

  1. Shared understanding: BDD encourages cross-functional teams to clarify and agree upon behavior expectations upfront, fostering a transparent and integrated approach to problem-solving.
  2. Improved collaboration: By using a common language, BDD breaks down communication barriers, allowing team members to co-create solutions and leverage collective intelligence.
  3. Enhanced efficiency: BDD focuses on delivering value rather than simply completing tickets, ensuring that innovative ideas are continuously prioritized and pursued.
  4. Iterative improvement: BDD encourages iterative development and learning, aligning team efforts towards delivering the best possible outcome while adapting to evolving requirements.


Ticket tracking and document management systems, despite their practical purposes, can inadvertently become the graveyard for good ideas. The inherent limitations of these systems, compounded by reticent managers' failure to recognize their worth, contribute to their stunted potential. Fostering a culture that promotes collaboration, empowers innovation, and strikes a balance between automation and human involvement is necessary to breathe life into these systems and unlock the true potential of great ideas.